Image of

Marco Onado

Image of Marco Onado
Senior Professor, Department of Finance, Bocconi University. Former full professor of Banking in the Universities of Modena (1972-1984) and Bologna (1984-2001). Commissioner of Consob 1993-1998. Trustee of the IASB Foundation 2012-2017. Columnist of Il Sole-24 Ore and contibutor to many web sites such as “” and “”. Member of the scientific committee of Prometeia, Bologna. Last publications, I nodi al pettine, Laterza, Roma-Bari, 2009; A long-term approach to Italian banks’profitability. Paradise lost? (with Giuseppe Lusignani, in “Journal of Financial Perspectives”, n.2, 2014.; Alla ricerca della banca perduta, Il Mulino, Bologna 2017; Finance and Investment. The European case (coed with Colin Mayer, Stefano Micossi, Marco Pagano and Andrea Polo), Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2018; Prendi i soldi e scappa. La finanza spiegata con il cinema, Laterza, Roma-Bari, 2018.